The Integral Protoanalysis of The Scarab Trainings is composed of six trainings across a 10-day training format.
Arica Autodiagnosis® (Sphere 15)
The Arica Autodiagnosis training opens the central process of Protoanalysis (self-analysis), which is to discover, by identifying our personal experiences of early life and childhood, how these projected experiences affect and determine our entire ego development and everyday existence. Without a fundamental perspective and awareness, we are stuck in an endless cycle of suffering. The self-diagnosis (Autodiagnosis) method provides us with the recognition and understanding of our three Fixations or Trifix with clearly-defined maps. Specific nine-pointed figures called enneagrams and their application are used for clarification from our endless subjective processes of suffering into a level of witnessing our process objectively and clearly. This training can be easily assimilated and processed by those new to the Work. By awakening the Witness to the recognition of our mechanisms of suffering, we can open the path to Self-realization and the State of No Suffering.
Arica Autodiagnosis® Review (Sphere 15)
In the Arica Autodiagnosis Review we will be reviewing your major and minor Fixations or Trifix across Autodiagnosis and its related questionnaires and processes of recognition and identification. The profiles of each Fixation will also be covered which will give you a broader understanding of each Fixation and provide you with more information on the Fixations of your Trifix.
Levels of Consciousness™ (Sphere 14)
The Levels of Consciousness training is the study of the nine lower Levels of the human psyche, which are founded upon the subjectivity of the lower ego, and the nine higher Levels of the human psyche, which establish the levels of objectivity into the State of Enlightenment. The lower Levels are recognized as attachments, and when we witness them as such, we free ourselves from the restrictions they impose on us. Analysis with enneagrams provides maps to support the understanding of the Levels of attachment, and further on, we can enter the attainment of the Levels of spiritual realization. By recognizing and processing our attachments, we can transcend the subjectivity of our lower ego and experience the objectivity of the Higher States of a Mind of No Attachment.
Four Functions of Reality™ (Sphere 13)
The complete map of the human psyche, in accordance with Protoanalysis, is composed of the three basic Instincts that are correlated with the three major organic body systems. The Four Functions of Reality training identifies the cardinal points of the fields of activities upon which human life exists, in relationship to the Instincts and the body systems. These fields of activities are entirely vital for human survival in a human society and manifest as wealth, power, fame, and honor. By identifying the Four Functions and our process in relationship to them, we will see how our ego manifests in these four areas. Without this clarification, we are unaware of our ego process, which remains stuck and firmly in place. Processing the enneagrammatic maps of the Functions allows for the Pure State of No Ego to arise.
Domains of Consciousness™ (Sphere 12)
A Domain is a physical manifestation of our social structure. All aspects of society can be found in the nine Domains, which are the basis of our intentionality, the motives that are fundamental for our ordinary and psychic life. The two-day Domains of Consciousness training analyzes the nine Domains and our process in each, providing a re-ordering of our entire life in its nine different Domains, from our sentimental life to our spiritual interests. By clarifying each Domain, we are able to enter a Mind of Emptiness, in which the relative processes of the Domains can be witnessed and transcended.
Doors of Compensation™ (related to Sphere 12)
This training shows us how we use various methods to compensate for the inevitable pressures, related to the Domains, which manifest as stress in our lives. At the extreme, the Doors of Compensation become addictions and we become dysfunctional and out of control. Our suffering is attached to a chaotic perspective about reality, and our subsequent behavior is a life of endless compensations with no direction. With this training, we learn to recognize our behavioral patterns and to change them so that we can direct our energy toward a more productive and fulfilling life. Witnessing your Doors and transcending them gives you an opportunity to enter a Mind of Emptiness and to experience The Good Life.


Schedule: For newcomers, P–Cals is taught on Day 1 from 10:00 am–4:00 pm. For those repeating the training, the full P–Cals training is offered before breakfast Days 2–10; and for practitioners, practice sessions are available before breakfast on Days 2–10. Click here for more information.